Monday, September 8, 2008



Im so sorry for being MIA for few days. I've been busy with bazaar lately. Im gonna spend my 1 whole month in bazaar..Exhausted & Stress tau!!

But life has to go on..i miss going out with my friends,my usrah babes,my cousins & anybody ah..Buka sama2 ke..rindu babe!

Ok let me introduce u to my BAZAAR!!

Its at Blk 729 Jurong West St 82-(void deck)..We start from 4pm to 7pm ONLY..Our main thing is NASI BRIYANI/BERYANI-(watever they spell it). Other than that,we are selling various type of Mee Goreng(we used to have atleast 3 types of Mee Goreng, but due to insufficient space,we have to reduce it) and we have Jongkong-(its a MUST to have it every year,overwhelming respond). We still have 2 more types of BUBUR( Bubur kacang hijau & Badak berendam)and we have Roti Boyan aswell & last but not least Air Khatira-(kadang2 je)..

My Family & My Cousin(fahmi)
So this is our stall..stall no.12...

We do bookings too but NO delivery.hehe sorry!

So as u can see here..its abit cramped & stuffy. What can u expect from it, im used to it already,Alhamdulillah. We have been here for 7 years,same old place and we do have regular customers too. Mereka beli hari2 tanpa jemu. Syukur Alhamdulillah. Berkat usaha semua org especially my parents. Insya'Allah we try our best to serve Good Quality & Quantity of HALAL foods. Anyway our stall @ Teck whye is close on every Ramadhan. Alhamdulillah i think my dad had made a very good decision though. Yelah kiteorg tak nak bersubahat.Tak dinafikan masih ada lg orang yg selamba,senang cakap tak tau MALU ah makan & minum di kedai kopi during fasting month. Saje je minum depan org ramai..ape nk jd nie,Subhanallah..bawak2 lah insaf ye!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Penjunjung Namaku

Penjunjung Namaku


Sang by the trio siblings, who else than KRU itself. One of my favourite boy band till now. i just want to share with you the lyric..its so meaningful to me and its abit touching!!...
Setiap titis airmata
Setiap saat nan berduka
Mengajar aku erti dunia
Tak ku lupa pengorbanan kehidupan
Memikul beban di bahu nan sela
Memberi yang termampu

Ayahku terlalu menyayangi aku
Mendedikasikan hidupnya kepadaku

Dan ibu sentiasa ada bersama
Walau serendah mana aku

Dia tetap menjunjung namaku

Biarku belai tanganmu
Yang telah ditelan usia

Namun penuh berjasa...
Terlalu lama impianku luahkan rasa
Kesyukuranku di hati
Pada dua insan paling ku sayangi

Biar ku hilang segalanya
Harta, benda ataupun nyawa
Asal tak ku hilang kau berdua
Dan aku berdoa

Semoga sejahtera selam
Hidup kita sekeluarga

Di dunia dan selepasnya

I specially dedicate this song to my beloved parents(abah & mak), Hj Mohd Anuar & Hjh Raja Paridah for their wonderful love & precious knowledge that they have given and still giving to me & my siblings.Alhamdulillah.

I want to thank ALLAH for giving me a wonderful parents,Syukrulillah. They have been supporting me since small, melayan kerenah anak2nya tanpa rasa jemu & penat. Pergorbanan yang mereka lakukan sangatlah besar. Kadang2 aku terpikir, bagaimanakah caranya utk seseorang anak utk membalas jasa kedua ibu bapa mereka??I've read this article
Imam Ghazali menggariskan beberapa perkara yang perlu dilakukan oleh seorang anak terhadap ibunya
  • Doakan kesejahteraan dan kebahgiaan ibu setiap masa selagi dia masih bernyawa

  • Hadiahkan fatihah untuknya sebagai penenang hati

  • Infakkan tenaga menjaganya ketika dia memerlukan kita tanpa keluh kesah

  • Jaga dan peliharalah hatinya daripada kesedihan

  • Jangan jadi anak yang derhaka sebaliknya hormatilah dia sepanjang hidup kita

  • Jangan biarkan air mata ibu mengalir kerana kita

...bukan harta semata2 yg mereka mahukan tp DOA seorang anak lebih penting dan lebih bermanfaat. Walaupun satu DOA sekali pun, sudah cukup untuk membahagiakan mereka. I admit i've made them dissapointed before. its a WORSE nigtmare for me. But im not perfect k..Setiap manusia ada kelebihan dan kekurangan masing2. but i will NEVER leave them. Baik buruk mcm mane skali pon, i will still love them. Usia mereka pon semakin hari semakin meningkat. Rasa takut pon ada, how am i going to face the fact if they leaving me one day..Subhanallah "Ya ALLAH Ya Tuhanku, kau panjangkanlah umur kedua ibu bapaku.Ya ALLAH". Semua orang akan melalui nya satu hari nanti..Masya'Allah.Semoga ALLAH beri kekuatan untuk teruskan hidup insya'Allah..amin

Here are some photos of My Parents.

"Wedding Of The Year"
They married on the 27th.December.1981

Destination...???not sure..haha

They performed a Haj in 1997
(economy crisis)

Their latest picture
taken @ Plaza Singapura

Our latest picture
During Abang & Kakak's wedding in March'08

Ramadhan Kareem

Marhaban Ya Ramadhan

Hari ini adalah hari pertama di bulan Ramadhan. The journey of ramadhan is still long way to go, hari yg penuh Barakah dan Manfaatnya, Ya Rahman Ya Kareem. Alhamdulillah, me and my parents wake up for sahur abit late today 5.10 am, my mom do the cooking, i get ready the plates and so on. Imsak is at 5.43 am. We sahur nasi,telor dada & kicap sad! my mom promised me Nasi Lemak for sahur but Alhamdulillah, di fikir2kan ada org yg lebih susah dr kita, and i thank ALLAH for the rezeki that HE gave me & my family.

Di kesempatan ini, saya ingin mengucapkan selamat menunaikan ibadah puasa kepada semua umat Islam seantero dunia.

Ingatlah di bulan yang mulia ini, kita harus sentiasa "Setting" niat,"Upgrade" iman, "Download" sabar,"Upload" usaha, "Delete" dosa,"Update" doa,"Top-Up" ilmu agar kita boleh "Redeem" pahala di hari kelak...Amin Ya Rabbal Alamin
And one more thing, i got this wonderful reminder message from my BIL and i would love to share with all Muslims.

Here it goes..

There is no word as Beautiful as ALLAH,
No example as Beautiful as Rasulullah,
No lesson as Beautiful as Islam,
No song as Melodious as Azan,
No charity as Meaningful as Zakat,
No encyclopedia as Perfect as Al-Quran,
No exercise as Perfect as Solat,
No diet as Perfect as Fasting,
No journey as Perfect as Haji.
Lets realise that Islam is ever BEAUTIFUL and PERFECT!!!

Maybe with this message can enlighten your day.

May ALLAH bless you and your family

Saturday, August 30, 2008


Assalamualaikum to all Muslim
And Welcome to Everyone..

Im launching my very own blog here(oh cut the ribbbon first,ah i got flowers)
hehe nothing much but im trying my best to express myself here.

You are all welcome to read my stories,the journey of Reign Beau.
But before i start blogging, let me introduce myself first...

My name is Nurul Azua Binte Mohammed Anuar,im the 2nd last from 4 siblings. Im turning 21 years old this coming december (p/s 17 dec eh)..Yahoooo! (people used to say " You will get the key of freedom when you turn 21". So i'll wait & see. I would love to thank ALLAH for giving me another blessful year to live with my beloved family as i cherish them throughout my journey. Im proud to have my parents around me(wait for d next post regarding my parents). Other than my parents,i have my wonderful brothers(Akmal & Afiq) & my one and only sister(Afia). My Abang & Kakak just got married last March'08, it was so sad to let them go really no words can decribe my feeling that day. But definitely im happy for them, now they have thier own family to handle. Im still waiting for the little ones to pop out,hehe.(sunyi giler tau rumah nie..!). Ok enough of story mory about my family,i will post about them later...Stay tune for next post!.. ok get back to my topic.

People use to describe me as a fierce, stressed and quiet person. But frankly speaking, im NOT. i have this weird eyebrows which i like to fringe all the time without realising, thats the reason why i looked stress. I can be quiet sometimes & i can be very wild sometimes haha, it depends with who i mix ard with. Baru2 kenal mmglah segan,lama kelamaan ok ah. Kita tak boleh nk melanggar ketentuan ALLAH,DIA mencipta setiap manusia dgn perlbagai rupa & perangai. ALLAH MAHA KAYA LAGI MAHA MENCIPTA.

I think all my families & friends know that i love cooking & baking.One of the reasons because my parents are self employed since i was 4 yrs old. I used to be at the shop almost everyday(hari2 main air). if im not forgetting, i think i started working at the shop since i was 12 yrs old one day $10 and im still working with them until now, hehe. I think the business & cooking blood flows into me since small. But now i try to make a different, i took up pastry & baking line, its a bonus for me to learn, im happy with what i have achieved so far. I have this VERY big dream to open a wedding line business, i think everything is almost complete. My abang is a Chef & im a Pastry Chef, so we can handle the food section. My kakak is an Interior Designer, so she can do all the decoration. My adik is a Photographer. My sister in law(SIL) is a Mak Andam & lastly my bro in law(BIL) is a technician,so he can handle the logistic item. Well there you go, everyone has a fantastic role. Let my parents be the Director of the company. hehe...How big my dream is...(excited)....! hehe

There's more you need to know about me but i think i shall stop here for now. I'll post more next time.